At Lighthouse, we offer comprehensive ADHD assessments and psychological testing. Comprehensive ADHD assessments are completed in three phases.
The first phase is a diagnostic interview completed by a trained and licensed psychotherapist.
The second phase involves the use of the TOVA, a computerized program which measures ability to pay attention.
The third phase incorporates the Conners 3. The Conners 3 is a behavioral checklist, which the psychotherapist will have a group of people complete who know the client well. This includes the client him or herself, parents, and teachers.
After the assessments are completed, the psychotherapists will compile each assessment to determine if an ADHD diagnosis is warranted or not. A full written report is provided for each client.
While standard ADHD assessments are often very subjective and rely only on the mental health professional’s opinion, comprehensive ADHD assessments offered by Lighthouse Human Services and Consulting in Bangkok allow for a more objective and accurate measure of ADHD symptoms.
Psychological Testing
Psychological testing is used to assist psychotherapists for making mental health disorder diagnoses. At Lighthouse Human Services and Consulting, we qualified to administer and interpret various psychological tests and assessments, such as the MMPI and MCMI-IV.
Intelligence Testing
Various intelligence tests are available to assess intelligence and overall cognitive functioning. These assessments include the WISC-IV and Kaufman Brief Intelligence test.
Other psychological tests and assessments may be available. Please inquire with us.